My "completed" layout with buildings, bridges, signals and trees.

The entire layout which is 12 feet by 14 feet with three operating levels. The layout was built to operate and has a minimal amount of scenery but just enough to give the illusion of a scenic layout.

A view of the city section which is on the main level. It is obvious from viewing this picture that this is what I describe as a great operating layout but a minimalist layout from the standpoint of scenery. There are just enough buildings, bridges, signals, vehicles, and people to make the layout interesting but not fully scenic. Perhaps the layout will evolve to be more scenic but for now I am enjoying operating it.

The factory section on the main level. The last two cars of the long passenger consist are the piano car and the dance car.

The bridges on the far left side of the upper level. Note the covering of the edge of the upper level and the supporting posts. They were covered with Noch (57710) Mauerplatte "Dolomit" - mur de dolomite - covering. It is a simple way to enhance the look of posts and edges on a layout. This product comes in 64 x 15 cm strips. In the photo below you can see where I also used it to cover the "walls" on the lower level.

Double bridges on the left upper level.

Single bridge on the left upper level. The ramp in the foreground goes from the upper level to the main level.

Tandem bridges on the right upper level. Le Capitole is on the main level in the station. A (xx) railbus is on the upper level. The blue wire in the last picture was used to test contact tracks that controlled the signal just above it. Again, note the covering on the edges and the supporting posts.

The lower level has a Shell refinery and an Esso refinery as well as the Marklin Coaling Crane.

Installing signals

Bryan Adams and Robert Frowenfeld work on installing signals.


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